about contacting me
I don't like it when people communicate to me when not in person. Here are the things you should take note of:
If contacting me by mobile/fixed/internet phone:
(16:51 edit: Added another 2 points to the WLM section and modified the points before it.)
(24:26 edit: Added more stuff)

It's supposed to be animated, but it didn't seem to work. Try clicking on the image to see if it does.
If contacting me by mobile/fixed/internet phone:
- I have a caller ID
- Make sure I know who you are when you are calling. Me giving my number and you not doing the same is as good as not knowing who is calling me.
- Do not call me on all my numbers for more than a total of 2 times in a day, even if I do not answer. Otherwise, I see you as a prank caller and have a bad impression of you.
- When messaging by SMS/MMS, say what the hell you want. Not "Are you free next ___?" or "Go online, I got something to tell you. It's urgent." (for the latter, I would assume that it is not urgent since you are telling me to go online instead of telling me what that "urgent" thing is.) What I'm expecting is "There will be a ___ meeting on ____ at ___.", "Do you know how to solve this equation? x=2y-y^2+3z" or "Thanks for what you did. It helped me a lot.".
- When I reply, expect a "Yes/No/Maybe" only answer, me not using "SMS language" (like "See you later, thank you very much" instead of "cya, ty", or no reply.
- Just because its the school vacation doesn't give you a good reason to disturb me. I got stuff to do (unlike you). Go find someone else or a job if you really have nothing to do.
- I may not reply to them, but I do read them.
- Even though I may not put up my real name, I do put a link to one of my blogs/profile/email which directly links back to me.
- When using the chatbox (that uses flash) you see at the bottom of my blog/profile, do not mention my real name. If you need to call me, use the name you see on the chatbox and/or the name appearing on that page.
- When using the tagbox (that uses HTML) you see at the sides of my blogs, do not spam or put up offensive comments.
- If your email address does not contain your name (like "girls_89" or "n3rd416"), let me know who you are, where do I know you from (if I there are other people I know with the same name), so that I don't go through the trouble of looking through my contacts just to find out who you are.
- Do not send me messages that contains "if you don't forward this message within the next ___, something bad will happen" or "if you forward this message to ___ people, a miracle will happen".
- Try not to send to my Gmail, Yahoo! Sinagpore and Yahoo! Japan address. I'm already receiving a truckload of messages from Friendster, YouTube, MySpace, HardwareZone, etc., along with spam that somehow did not end up on my junk/spam folder on those email addresses. I might delete them by mistake, mark it (and the messages surrounding it from friendster) as read.
- Do not send me messages that contains "if you don't forward this message within the next ___, something bad will happen" or "if you forward this message to ___ people, a miracle will happen".
- I would instantly delete messages that start with "FW:" without opening it. If you do it more than 3 times in a row, there is a very high chance of me removing you from my friend list, especially on my 1st, 2nd and 4th friendster account.
- I don't read bulletin posts. Blame it on the people who post a lot of "questionnaires" and "If you love God, repost this and title it: I love you and I'm sorry."
- For the 3rd and 5th friendster accounts, only people whom I have known in person can add me there. On other accounts (including Facebook), anyone is free to add me there.
- I may not put up my real info there, including age, job, school/college, gender and location.
- I don't use IRC, ICQ, Y!Chat, Google Talk, or AOL.
- Make sure I know who you are if you your email address, display image, name, personal message (the one appearing next to the display name) is not you.
- Do not expect me to reply. If I want to chat, I would appear online, not busy, away, etc.
- If I go offline midway through a conversation, that would mean that either my internet connection has a problem, or I simply don't want to receive more of your messages I find annoying.
- If you ask me a question when I am away, I may reply them within the next 24 hours or never.
- When messaging, say what the hell you want. Not "Are you free next ___?" or "When you are doing ___, message me." (for the latter, I would ignore it since I am never done with whaterver you said or wasn't doing it in the first place.) What I'm expecting is "There will be a ___ meeting on ____ at ___.", "Do you know how to solve this equation? x=2y-y^2+3z" or "Thanks for what you did. It helped me a lot.".
- Do not ask me to play games with you. I am already spending days not playing them, and it would be inconvenient if people were to suddenly ask me to do so. Besides, my PC is not capable of even opening MapleStory/Audition without the lengthy loading time.
- Just because its the school vacation doesn't give you a good reason to disturb me. I got stuff to do (unlike you). Go find someone else or a job if you really have nothing to do.
(16:51 edit: Added another 2 points to the WLM section and modified the points before it.)
(24:26 edit: Added more stuff)

It's supposed to be animated, but it didn't seem to work. Try clicking on the image to see if it does.