727th post: New Blog layout

These days, I spent more of my time on twitter , so this blog has been neglected. But as the link to this blog is the most prominent thing, the increasingly dated blog layout has been bothering me. I've updated my blog to the new layout. What elements on the interwebs has affected this blog since then? How public links on Dropbox/OneDrive work: Public folders has discontinued and has become a regular folder. Instead, a specific file/folder has to be specified to share publicly. That means links to my stories in e-book format may not work. Photobucket disallowing off-site linking: You may have heard of this one. It is still technically possible, but that requires upgrading the account to a certain paid tier. People find that even the lowest tier that allows this can be too much. What about the links to my other blogs? Well, those have been more neglected than this one. So those has to go as part of improving the blog layout. Seriously, it's too much to manage on my ...