
Showing posts from January, 2008

image server problem

( more details here ) I got fed up with the long loading time and the images uploaded at imageshack that I decided to switch to photobucket . Even images uploaded at the former, regardless of how long ago it was, would show an error like the URL of the image provided was invalid. So now, except for large images (>1020x768 or >1MB; whichever reaches either limit), I am going to upload to photobucket instead. Images you see here and some of the images elsewhere are upload at the same site as they appear at. An example of an image that is not hosted at imageshack

Comments about the transport changes review

I wouldn't be surprised if the ERP charges eventually add up to s$36 a day or more. Seeing that new rail lines won't be completed until 2010 for circle line (which goes around the outskirts of the city area), and between 2016 to 2020 for the planned lines, the frequency of the trains, especially during peak hours, should be increased until everyone can get a seat, (My teacher said that the trains in Seoul arrives every 30 seconds.) On top of that, people should encourage cycling instead of driving if it is within the 5km radius to wherever they are going. Also, biycles, not just foldable ones, should be allowed on board trains and buses. Bicycles are more energy efficent than walking. Anyways, tomorrow (31 Jan), I have a lot of school things to do. I have Business Statistics test in the morning along with the RovingDV something at Ahmad Imbrahim (they never say pri or sec; both are some distance from each other) from 8am in Yishun. For the latter, I was only informed eariler

"Something has happened!"

I was happly doing stuff yesterday night and then I decided to play music on iTunes when the program froze. I suspected it had something to do with the sound driver I had reinstalled earlier. So to confirmed, I opened a random music file on a different player when before I hear anything, the PC suddenly restarted. After I restarted, I tried to play again on iTunes (which appeared automatically since it was open before it restarted) but it suddenly restarted instead of freezing. A Windows error report indicated that it was caused by an audio device and had to (suddenly) restart to prevent the problem from worsening. I used the system restore to Saturday, 2 days earlier, so everything went back to normal, including programs I uninstalled on Sunday. Then I open Mozilla Firefox and to my horror, the settings were reseted to what it would be if you freshly installed it, on top of the long list of bookmarks. Since I use it frequently, I don't have the recent backup on backup on other bro


[I would express condolences to the late former Indonesian President, Suharto ] V pnzr npebff guvf negvpyr naq guvf negvpyr jbaqre ubj sha vg vf gb chg rapbqrq grkg gung bgure crbcyr jbhyq abg or noyr gb ernq vg. Fvapr vg'f nyernql rapbqrq, V zvtug nf jryy chg vg va. (vs lbh pna ernq guvf, lbh rvgure qrpbqrq guvf be lbh pna npghnyyl ernq EBG13) V yvxr irel fznyy, naq irel ynetr grkg. ( Obyqsnpr naq vgnyvpvmrq grkg ner svar gbb) Vs lbh unq npghnyyl cnvq nggragvba, V unq chg hc Wncnarfr vzntrf (navzr naq/be cubgbf), yvfgrq zl ybpngvba nf fbzrjurer va Wncna jvgu n srznyr wncnarfr anzr naq ybpngvba gung vf pbzcyrgryl qvssrerag sebz gur gehgu, juvpu V nz abg gryyvat (gubhtu fbzr bs lbh nyernql xabj). Fvapr V nz oberq, V zvtug nf jryy chg hc n cbfg gung V unq cbfgrq erpragyl gung xvaq bs hfrf zragvbarq va gur cerivbhf cnentencu (fvapr guvf vf va EBG13, gur Wncnarfr grkg vf bzvggrq). Gur yvrf ner va obyq: Nf lbh zvtug unir thrffrq, V nz n 3eq lrne uvtu fpubby fghqrag . Va gur jrrxf g

45th post

My laptop battery is running low, so I better make this quick. On thursday, I found some old stuff outside the computer lab near my locker. Among the stuff thrown out were stuff dating back to around 1995. These include floppy disks (which I took) and several unopened OEM of windows 95! Would post more latter.

The "so-called" story that came with my friendster/blogger account

I got sidetracked from my original intention that I ended up typing stuff for this blog on another . So here it is in its original format: 「あれ?」 Seeing that my friendster accounts are rapidly reaching the 3000 friends limit (mostly anime fans from southeast asia), I am preparing another account that was created in November 2007 to accomodate it. It would appear in the featured friends list when ready. Until then, do not add me there yet. What I am planning to do with this account is to be different from my other accounts. Exact details are being worked out right now, including getting around technical difficulties. But if you look at my other accounts (as featured friends there), you would guess how it could be like and the similaraties that are to be avoided to give the impression that it is created by a different person (but is somewhat related with the 3rd account). This could take some time, though what could appear on my other accounts could appear on my 3rd account first. Due to

43rd post: Bad Luck

(I haven't take pictures lately. Among those taken, I have yet to upload them to the PC) Lately, different groups of people have been asking me if I would join their outing at East Coast Park.One was last saturday by the student council members, another is by Mic Studio and another is by my classmates. They all seem to like Area C: where the MacDonalds is. I don't know why, but I seem to very narrowly miss good chances. Either because I have other plans, wrong timming, it came too late, made the wrong choices, or I took too long to decide. My life seem to have started in 2006, nothing exciting or positive life-changing events seem to happened before that. My boring, depressing, primary school days, could have been better if I had made friends (instead of bullies), not fall sick frequently (I had chicken pox in 1996), not gone for religious classes (I never understood malay well; the arabic-like text are too alien to me; don't see what is so great about the so-called &quo

Checking the colours

If you have been visiting to this blog regularly, you might have noticed that I keep changing colours from blue, then to red, and then green (with font size decreased), and now black. Would try different shades of colour soon. I heard that there are university/college entrance exams around this time of the year in Japan. I heard that Haruka Yukari (one of the co-authors of some of my blogs) is one of them since she's already in 3rd year of High School somewhere in Miyazaki Prefecture. That would kind of explain the sudden absence since she have to study like crazy to be able to get into very competitive places at colleges like Tokyo University. Full concentration is needed and distractions like the internet and TV should be pushed aside. On top of that, the exam venue and results are at the college(s) where you take/took the exam. (For your info, it's still winter there)

Discovered a new route to get home from school

( related to this November 2007 post ) At the bus stop mentioned at Kathib MRT mentioned above, I could also take 39 or 858 in additon to 969. For svc 39, it goes along TPE, and goes around Pasir Ris before heading towards Tampines where I alight at the same bus stop (blk 303/opp Tampines East CC) as svc 59 towards bishan and walk from there. There is only 1 transfer here, but since it travells through pasir ris and have to walk about 900m along the busy road (Tampines St 31 and Simei Road) to reach home. Not sure how long. For svc 858, I would travel to Changi Airport and then transfer to svc 24 from there (I noticed it's less crowded, with places to sit, than 969; maybe it's the off-peak period). Over there, i could either alight opp Budget terminal and take the underpass to the other side, or go 2-4 stops further down at the terminals (PTB 3 being first, PTB 1 being second, and PTB 2 being third) with security checks when entering each terminal and transfer there. (I think

40th post

I finally managed to secure my wireless internet connection (and changed the SSID). Until today, my wireless network was unsecure, so anyone could log in and access my home network (i disallowed the modyfying files over the network) and internet. I know because there are many wireless networks around my house and the DHCP Client List listed devices with unfamillar names. At one time, I saw 12 connections (i only have 3). Of course, in those days, I thought that setting the password for changing the router settings is the same as connecting to the router (not required if wired) and when I set the password (not knowing it was for the wrong thing), I wasn't able to connect to the internet or even access the router setup by wired that I had to manually reset it. On the night before i enabled the security feature, before I turn all the PCs and router/modems off at 2/3 am, I noticed the "Internet" and "Wireless" indicator flashing, along with "Data" on my AD

Changed layout of one of my other blogs

[Original post] The changing of the layout for one of my blog is long overdue due to a lot of outdated information. Most of the stuff that was there is already on this blog for quite some time. I have edited new layout so that I could put in stuff I want and change/remove junk that came with this layout. Like this blog, I am going to put up images in each post (except those before this post). It would be located at the top center instead of the bottom left. PS: The display image there and the link directly below it lead to different profiles. BTW, among all my blogs and profiles, only a few contain my real info. Among those, they are either hidden or are listed like anyone else, but I didn't indicate that it's mine. Unless you know where and how to look, you probably won't find it. I'm not going to put up the same image, position and caption because it's a different blog unless it's part of the post.

(O_o)/ *( @ o @)

Just to let you know... PokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePoke PokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePoke PokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePoke PokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePoke PokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePoke PokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePokePoke XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lo


I seem to have uploaded something somewhere that is closely related to yesterday's post. This image either had genderswap or trap tag to it.


I know I don't say much about my drawings. This is one (dated 2007-12-19) of the few that would appear online, with text place on top of areas that would distort the image if attempted to remove. The ugly ones are not uploaded. For your info, as at time of this post, I have not uploaded the scanned version of this or any drawing dated after 18 November 2007. I supposed I started drawing about 1-2 years ago when I was bored, on the way to watch my friend's younger sister for the chinese new year concert at the esplanade (come to think of it, I think it is almost a year ago). You might have seen my drawings appearing at the media box on all 4 of my profiles. (although the 3rd display the latest and best drawings in full size). You might see some of the comments of it at places where I put them up. If you are lucky enough, you would have seen the actual book this was drawn on by me. I used an old school exercise book (which I already graduated from and appear yellow-ish) since I h


Here are the most common things I see in the boards: (The text that is in MS UI Gothic below came with the graphics and editing it would affect the alignment.)       /゙ミヽ、,,___,,/゙ヽ       i ノ   川 `ヽ'       /  ⌒  . ⌒ .i、   [ねこさん]      彡, .ミ(__人__)彡ミ     ∩,  / ヽ、,      ノ  丶ニ|    '"''''''''"´ ノ     ∪⌒∪" ̄ ̄∪ なー ♪    ♪  ,(ゝ、      ー=y; ((ノりヾヽ    [ヤンマーニ]      \(゚д゚从           ノノ| y |\;y=‐          /  へゝ       ~く~~~~ セクシィに踊ってる <> 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 <>sage <>2006/05/07(日) 23:47<> [異世界の住民1]           /⌒ヽ    ⊂二二二( ^ω^ )二⊃    [ブーン]         |    /        ここのブーンはいいブーン          ( ヽノ          ノ>ノ           レレ           / ̄ヽ    <二二二[ ^ω^]二>         |    /       [メカブーン ]          [ ヽ/         手がとがっててあぶない          />/       三  レレ           /⌒ヽ    ⊂二二二( ´◎`)二⊃         |    /       [BWOOON]          ( ヽノ         ブーンの代役を引き受ける。          ノ>ノ           アメリカ帰りらしい…      三  レレ        /V\     ⊂(*,,^ω^)⊃  [POAAN☆]       |  

Something's wrong...

*cough* 2nd (and 1st) YouTube account got suspended for reasons in detail not mentioned. I don't care about youtube anymore, even before it got suspended. It's not linked to my google account though. *cough* The PC that is connected to the TV and the home network in the living room took an unusally long time to start up. At first, I was watching a video streaming from another PC when suddenly, part of the screen froze and eventually no image (it said "unknown signal" and eventually "no signal") appeared. I bought the PC (or rather the motherboard/mainboard because I already have everything else) 2ndhand from someone . It was intended to replace another PC that has 450mhz and 364MB of RAM (that is still working as of today). Sometime later, the built-in VGA port stopped working. Also, the speaker and LED indicator (which came with the casing) for the power went out, though the one for the harddisk activity is still working. The cable for the floppy disk dri

Crowd attracter

According to my Maploco stats that is placed at friendster and myspace, there is a sudden increase of people viewing my profiles from the United States. Other areas with many views include European Union and asia pacific countries mostly/fully surrounded by the sea. Anyways, not long after I go to a not-so-crowded place like a shop,  there seems to be more people than there was when I entered. I wonder why... The Sapporo Stadium


(I might have posted something smillar earlier somewhere like my windows live blog) I dont know why, but someone is copying me. From the way I do things to its contents. I first noticed it when I was randomly viewing friendster profiles of people who viewed me (back then, it was not as large as now) my (then) unsigned drawings appearing on his profiles, along with a username I keep seeing at places like youtube and imageshack. I suspect that person is a guy studying at ITE College West (as at 2007). Now that persorn is currently appear to be inactive (for some reason, but that's good). Of course, since he copied from me, there would be some smilaraties to mine (though not as good). The below are some of the things he copied from me. Note that there are changes and differences since he copied. Mainly either I realied that he (or someone else) copied, or did not like the previous version. Copied site 1 : Original site 1 : N

Roving DV top 5 thinggy

(Notice the angle, people and objects in the 2 images on the left) I saw this video earlier. For some reason, in the "student reporters" there, I saw Lawson's and Quader's names there even though they never appeared in it. Even though I was there, my name never appeared there. Wonder why... was there too many to name along with the fact that the full name of people is too long. You can go to the photo gallery at my Windows Live Spaces blog under the June 2007 (yes, that is when it was taken). Somewhere from the middle until the end. I don't feel like explaining what happen when I was there. (Points to time of this post.) There is an open house from 10 Jan to 12 Jan at Nanyang, Singapore and Temesek Polytechnic. I plan to go there like always for the past 5 or more years (no idea why). I tried playing the 1080p (True HD) version of "true tears". The result was that it was laggy, especially when there are a lot of fast motion. Mabye there is not enough pr

Lots of work to do

I have been busy doing work since around end-December. In fact, i'm busy in the middle of doing so as I type this. I'll talk about it at a later time when I feel like it. Lots to do. Done about 12 slides so far. Target is 20. Here's an image from one of the work i'm currently doing that should keep you entertained: I know, it's a silly name and slogan, but I can't think of anything better in a hurry.

ah, what the heck

The temple where the famous 提灯 (Chouchin) in Asakusa, Taitou Ward (東京都  台東区  浅草 ) is. Donation of 100円 is usually done for omikuji (おみくじ) where you draw one of the 100 sticks telling you to draw from one of the 100 drawers near it for the slip that tells you your fortune including great blessing (大吉) to half curse (半 凶). When the prediction is bad, fold up the strip of paper and attach it to a pine tree in the temple grounds. A purported reason for this custom is a pun on the word for pine tree (松 matsu) and the verb 'to wait' (待つ matsu), the idea being that the bad luck will wait by the tree rather than attach itself to the bearer. In the event of the fortune being good, the bearer should keep it. More comiket images would appear on another blog. Side note: I have managed to upload some of the videos form my school in 2006 on MySpaceTV. There are more on youtube, but I plan to move it from there. Also, that Minami-ke: Okawari trailer I uploaded some days earlier has reach la


I already have a mountain of things to do that I wouldn't have time for if the school holidays. Also, I won't be answering phone calls or check messages at all or go online on instant messaging programs. If you keep calling me for 3 constitutive times or more in 2 hours since 2007-12-15 , I won't talk to you at all until I feel like it , most likely a month after the previous call. Now, leave me alone! If you really want to message me, go to the chatroom on my blog or message me in one of the 40 places mentioned below, say what you want (besides knowing why I'm not answering), and hope that I see it (and know who you are) among the thousands of messages that other people send with images. P.S. You notice that I post just after midnight most of the time and not mention anything relating to the holidays like "Merry Christmas!", "Happy New Year [insert year here]!" or whatever holidays like anyone else and not making regular updates to my other profil

high res on youtube

I finally manage to upload high quality video and sound onto youtube. To get to it is kinda complicated. First, convert the video to flash video in the highest quaility (no higher than the original for obvious reasons). Using a hex editor, edit the hex code of the 4th row, and from the 13th (4th/7th if its in groups of 4/2) position (digit, code, whatever) onwards to 84A00000000000 (13 zeros) and save it. Done. If you have problems, go use the power of the internets for help. Compare with these 2: Low Res High Res P,S, I have few devices that work with 100-130V 60Mhz (most work on 230-240 50Mhz) without a transformer (not that robot) and among those, almost none comes with a plug that can fit into the socket without an adaptor. Though some can work on USB power or standard sized batteries. All modes of transport around the world would be crowded around this time of the year. Need to escape from the maddening crowd in the city.