JLPT with disappointing results

The earlier post on the JLPT has pictures but only described on me doing the exam and the way back on that day and not the other events in-between and leading up to it. Anyway, here it goes.
It actually started back in November 2006 when I saw a full page ad in the classified section on the location of the exam. That was when I first heart about it. To my disappointment, I found out that the regerstration ended in August. So during the months leading to the next regrestration day (done badly for 'O' Levels and posted to ITE with almost everyone else to JC or poly. I wonder if those jokers who were making faces at me on a moving double decker bus on my way to collect the results cursed me and how many who were elegible for poly ended up in ITE due to lack of places?), I kind of forgotton about it until I come across a forum talking about it and cross checked the info with the offical website. By then, there were only 2 weeks left to the closing date. So after school, I went to the place to register (the building, near bugis, was easy to miss), filled up a form (a passport size photo is also needed) and received the verification slip for the exam day, which is the first sunday of december (2 Dec 2007). Somewhere along the way, I bought some revision books. Also, I was informed around October that there would be a Standard Chartered Marathon run on the same day as the exam. I ended up not regestering for the run. Also, I joined a japanese class in school, but the level it's tought is mostly what I already know and is not really helpful with the JLPT test.
Anyways, the location of the exam is quite near: just walk 600m to the bus stop from my house, take any 2 of the 3 buses (svc 2 & 5) passing there for 1 bus stop and I would already reach there. Of course, for everyone else, they would have to alight at tanah merah mrt and take svc 2, the only 1 of the ~10 buses that passes there to reach. Since there are many people (with the majority appearing to be older than me), it would get crowded and those who didn't get on would have to wait for the next one (same applies when leaving after the exam). The alternative route is to take svc 5 from pasir ris int or outside simei mrt. Upon alighting from the bus stop on the exam day, had to show the regrestration card to allow us in. At the foyer, there is a board showing various regrestration allocated to different rooms. It seems that those with a smaller regrestration number (obviously those who registered earlier than me) are assigned to classrooms on the upper floors. As this place is a primary school, the lower floors are for primary 1 with shorter tables and chairs (as compared to the upper levels) and rooms like science and home econs (which I am assigned to) rooms. Since I am assigned to the home econs room (it has air-con), it has a large bench and stools facing in various directions (which are unconfortable and reminds me greatly of the chemistry lab in sec school, but facing the front and without air-con). As it is also a japanese school, the doors are of the sliding type, the walls looks thin, a (green-ish) blackboard that uses chalk to write with, and remove shoes (and bags) when entering the rooms.
Just before the exam starts, a voice came out from the TV at the corner of the room of the regulations and blah blah blah... and with stuff mentioned here happening.
I received the results in March. It wasn't good. I scored 57% (60% is the passing grade for lv 2-4 and 70% for lv 1) with grades pulling it down being "Kanji and vocabulary" and "Listening comprehention". Well, I did messed up for those sections during the exams, like not filling up the answer form properly. I'm going to register early for the next one taking the easier level (I took lv 3 in 2007 and maybe again or jump to lv 2 in 2009) and avoid past mistakes. I also feel that my kanji and vocabulary have improve since the exam with all the anime (without subtitles) I have been watching and the firefox add-on that would help explain to me the unfamilar kanji that I come across online. Of course, I would still use web translators, but now I'm able to spot errors from the translation and correct them. This site, this blog, and my friendster profile(s) are the closest thing that I would be able to use japanese with.
PS. I have officially dropped Kanokon (かんこん) from my anime watch list as it's so boring, with better alternatives like To LOVEる and Kamen no Maid Guy (仮面のメイドガイ). I just realised that I am posting a lot of english text with hardly any images or large fonts and yet the post looks long. Also, the new school term/semester/year (whatever) would start in about 28 hours at the time of typing (0400hrs).
(1204hrs edit: With many better anime like "Code Geass: Leouch of the Rebellion R2" (コードギアス:反逆のルルーシュR2), "Special A" (S・A~スペシャル・エー) and "Library War" (図書館戦争), I have also dropped "Persona -trinity soul-" (ペルソナ~トリニティ・ソール) after 15 episodes for being so boring and the lack of storyline development on top of more exciting ones like the ones mentioned earlier.)