
Friendster Media Box appearing here

Q: Who in this picture is me? A: None of them. The media box at the bottom of my Friendster profile 's HTML would also be copied onto this blog as a backup should something go wrong. This has happened before as some malicious software would cause it to be modified after viewing an infected profile. Fortunately, I had offline backup done each time I make changes to it (at that time). Seeing that I would access from another PC, puting it online would be more pratical. I could use removable storage devices or online storage such as gmail (Google Mail in European countries), but it's troublesome to find it, wait for it to load, may be infected by viruses/spyware, and prone to file corruption or drive failure. By putting it up here, they (Blogger) may also point out to errors in the HTML such as a missing forward slash (/) at the end of tags such as "br" (at the beginning of the end tag if it has a start tag). Major changes made to the media box include: font size reduced

extract from a book

It's a train station if you didn't know. I found this book lying around the house. >>Was weißt du von k önniglichen Gem ächern?<< >>Du bist noch nie zuvor in einem solchen Zimmer gewesen.<< >>Vielleicht doch.<< >>Nein!<< >>Erinnerst du dich an die Kr önung des jungen Verence?<< >>Man pudern mu ßte, sah ich eine offene T ür. Tja, da bin ich hineingegangen und habe das Bett ausprobiert.<< >>Das ist Hochverrat<<, sagte Oma streng. >>Daf ür k önntest du im Kerker landen.<< >> örgen: >>Wie hat sich's angef ühlt?<< >>Oh, es war sehr bequem, das Bett. Margrat ahnt nicht, was sie ver äumt. Und außerdem hatte jenes königliche Schlafzimmer weitus mehr Stil als dieses<<, f ügte Nanny Ogg hinzu. (I was bored. I could have type the actual thing if the tempreature in my house wasn't 35 degrees celcius with high humidity even though it's night.)

JLPT with disappointing results

Image is recycled from 113rd post The earlier post on the JLPT has pictures but only described on me doing the exam and the way back on that day and not the other events in-between and leading up to it. Anyway, here it goes. It actually started back in November 2006 when I saw a full page ad in the classified section on the location of the exam. That was when I first heart about it. To my disappointment, I found out that the regerstration ended in August. So during the months leading to the next regrestration day (done badly for 'O' Levels and posted to ITE with almost everyone else to JC or poly. I wonder if those jokers who were making faces at me on a moving double decker bus on my way to collect the results cursed me and how many who were elegible for poly ended up in ITE due to lack of places?), I kind of forgotton about it until I come across a forum talking about it and cross checked the info with the offical website . By then, there were only 2 weeks left to the closin

117th post

Today was a long tiring day. I didn't sleep the night before (unless you count the nap beteen 6pm and 11pm) after puting up yesterday's post . The food my mother cooks don't relly apease me. In fact, it's now rare for my family to sit down and eat mainly because mother goes to work in the evening on weekdays and my father and sister come home close to midnight on most nights, including public holidays and weekends from school, work or somewhere. There are barely any food in the kitchen, save for a few instant noodles (not the type where you just pour hot water and wait for 3mins). Speaking of food, during the so-called fasting month , which happens about every 10-11 months, I would easily go crazy. Now that I am in some college located an hour's travel away from my house and have to travel past downtown or several towns to reach, I can actually skip fasting completely without people who do so without suspition (except for a few that know me) in addition to the situ

new layout (10 April 2008) and image editing

This image is intentionally posted in a low resolution and enlarged afterwards. I know I just mentioned about a new layout just 3-4 days earlier . If you were wondering what happened to it, I used it on my japanese anime blog (the english one still uses the older layout). If you happen to visit my blog regularly, you may be thinking: "What? Again?". Well, since it's the school holidays (until this coming monday) and am stuck at home with nothing to do, I might as well do some mp3 info, HTML & image editing and organize the files on my PC(s) that on normal school days would not have the time/mood to do so. Anyways this layout (as at 11 Apr) is based on "Harbour", one of the default blogger layouts. I have done some modification of the same layout earlier on another blog , but kind of abandon on it and replace it with one of the default layouts without editing as it got kind of messy and confusing with all over the blog. Of course, back then, I didn't k

portabe hard disk falling apart

Yes, that is a 24hr McDonalds on the left It seems that there is a problem with the portable hard disk (Samsung 2.5" 80GB). I bought it back in September 2005. The casing is falling apart due to the plastic parts of the casing snapping off and screws securing it gone missing. It's been like that barely months after buying it. Because of the falling casing, I rarely unplug it from the main PC, let alone bring it around to places like school. Sometimes, when I notice an unusually long for transferring with the bar not moving and the time it would take to transfer increasing like crazy or remain the same after a long time. That also cause the explorer to not respond when I tried to cancel it and have to hard reboot the PC. I first notice the most serious case when I tried to burn a DVD iso when it failed when it barely started. It said something about the rostrum (or something like that) timeout. When I eject the disc after a cold reboot [tried a normal one, but nothing seemed t

saving electricity + communication problems

One of the buses I was talking about in the previous post . The electircity bill (which my parents pay) has been going up. it was less than 9000 cents some years ago. Now it's at 18000 cents . Well, oil prices per barrel in USD have increased like crazy and is more than double than compared to just 2 years ago, though the weaking USD could also contribute to the rising prices. It could have been higher if I turn on all of the lights at night and leave the radio and tv on the whole day. I should start turning off unnecessary things like unplugging the PC after turing it off and appliances that are never used for a long time, shower around mid-day without using the heater when possible.There is an old digital clock in my bedroom that runs AC/DC current with an unknown electrical consumption. LCD monitors uses lesser electricity than CRT or Plasma of the same size. I wonder how much of the electricity bill would be able to save... Oh, since the ceiling fan is faulty, you can't tu