
"Something has happened!"

I was happly doing stuff yesterday night and then I decided to play music on iTunes when the program froze. I suspected it had something to do with the sound driver I had reinstalled earlier. So to confirmed, I opened a random music file on a different player when before I hear anything, the PC suddenly restarted. After I restarted, I tried to play again on iTunes (which appeared automatically since it was open before it restarted) but it suddenly restarted instead of freezing. A Windows error report indicated that it was caused by an audio device and had to (suddenly) restart to prevent the problem from worsening. I used the system restore to Saturday, 2 days earlier, so everything went back to normal, including programs I uninstalled on Sunday. Then I open Mozilla Firefox and to my horror, the settings were reseted to what it would be if you freshly installed it, on top of the long list of bookmarks. Since I use it frequently, I don't have the recent backup on backup on other bro


[I would express condolences to the late former Indonesian President, Suharto ] V pnzr npebff guvf negvpyr naq guvf negvpyr jbaqre ubj sha vg vf gb chg rapbqrq grkg gung bgure crbcyr jbhyq abg or noyr gb ernq vg. Fvapr vg'f nyernql rapbqrq, V zvtug nf jryy chg vg va. (vs lbh pna ernq guvf, lbh rvgure qrpbqrq guvf be lbh pna npghnyyl ernq EBG13) V yvxr irel fznyy, naq irel ynetr grkg. ( Obyqsnpr naq vgnyvpvmrq grkg ner svar gbb) Vs lbh unq npghnyyl cnvq nggragvba, V unq chg hc Wncnarfr vzntrf (navzr naq/be cubgbf), yvfgrq zl ybpngvba nf fbzrjurer va Wncna jvgu n srznyr wncnarfr anzr naq ybpngvba gung vf pbzcyrgryl qvssrerag sebz gur gehgu, juvpu V nz abg gryyvat (gubhtu fbzr bs lbh nyernql xabj). Fvapr V nz oberq, V zvtug nf jryy chg hc n cbfg gung V unq cbfgrq erpragyl gung xvaq bs hfrf zragvbarq va gur cerivbhf cnentencu (fvapr guvf vf va EBG13, gur Wncnarfr grkg vf bzvggrq). Gur yvrf ner va obyq: Nf lbh zvtug unir thrffrq, V nz n 3eq lrne uvtu fpubby fghqrag . Va gur jrrxf g

45th post

My laptop battery is running low, so I better make this quick. On thursday, I found some old stuff outside the computer lab near my locker. Among the stuff thrown out were stuff dating back to around 1995. These include floppy disks (which I took) and several unopened OEM of windows 95! Would post more latter.

The "so-called" story that came with my friendster/blogger account

I got sidetracked from my original intention that I ended up typing stuff for this blog on another . So here it is in its original format: 「あれ?」 Seeing that my friendster accounts are rapidly reaching the 3000 friends limit (mostly anime fans from southeast asia), I am preparing another account that was created in November 2007 to accomodate it. It would appear in the featured friends list when ready. Until then, do not add me there yet. What I am planning to do with this account is to be different from my other accounts. Exact details are being worked out right now, including getting around technical difficulties. But if you look at my other accounts (as featured friends there), you would guess how it could be like and the similaraties that are to be avoided to give the impression that it is created by a different person (but is somewhat related with the 3rd account). This could take some time, though what could appear on my other accounts could appear on my 3rd account first. Due to

43rd post: Bad Luck

(I haven't take pictures lately. Among those taken, I have yet to upload them to the PC) Lately, different groups of people have been asking me if I would join their outing at East Coast Park.One was last saturday by the student council members, another is by Mic Studio and another is by my classmates. They all seem to like Area C: where the MacDonalds is. I don't know why, but I seem to very narrowly miss good chances. Either because I have other plans, wrong timming, it came too late, made the wrong choices, or I took too long to decide. My life seem to have started in 2006, nothing exciting or positive life-changing events seem to happened before that. My boring, depressing, primary school days, could have been better if I had made friends (instead of bullies), not fall sick frequently (I had chicken pox in 1996), not gone for religious classes (I never understood malay well; the arabic-like text are too alien to me; don't see what is so great about the so-called &quo

Checking the colours

If you have been visiting to this blog regularly, you might have noticed that I keep changing colours from blue, then to red, and then green (with font size decreased), and now black. Would try different shades of colour soon. I heard that there are university/college entrance exams around this time of the year in Japan. I heard that Haruka Yukari (one of the co-authors of some of my blogs) is one of them since she's already in 3rd year of High School somewhere in Miyazaki Prefecture. That would kind of explain the sudden absence since she have to study like crazy to be able to get into very competitive places at colleges like Tokyo University. Full concentration is needed and distractions like the internet and TV should be pushed aside. On top of that, the exam venue and results are at the college(s) where you take/took the exam. (For your info, it's still winter there)

Discovered a new route to get home from school

( related to this November 2007 post ) At the bus stop mentioned at Kathib MRT mentioned above, I could also take 39 or 858 in additon to 969. For svc 39, it goes along TPE, and goes around Pasir Ris before heading towards Tampines where I alight at the same bus stop (blk 303/opp Tampines East CC) as svc 59 towards bishan and walk from there. There is only 1 transfer here, but since it travells through pasir ris and have to walk about 900m along the busy road (Tampines St 31 and Simei Road) to reach home. Not sure how long. For svc 858, I would travel to Changi Airport and then transfer to svc 24 from there (I noticed it's less crowded, with places to sit, than 969; maybe it's the off-peak period). Over there, i could either alight opp Budget terminal and take the underpass to the other side, or go 2-4 stops further down at the terminals (PTB 3 being first, PTB 1 being second, and PTB 2 being third) with security checks when entering each terminal and transfer there. (I think