
Alternate Dimension (Part 49)

We spent the whole day trying out various hairstyles and clothes my mother was willing to give me. She seems to have some old clothes that have yet to be opened from their shopping bags. A fraction of those seemed expensive and another seemed to have been bought before I was born. Me: "Er, mom? Why do you have so many shoes and clothes I've never seen you wear before?" Mother: "Me and your dad bought them at flee market and discount sales at department stores. Others were what I have only worn once for various interviews. I don't have much space left to store these, but I would rather give them away to a family member than to throwing or selling them away." I already have a lot of clothes and shoes, but I shouldn't reject her offer either and... and... oh great. I'm starting to feel sleepy and can't think as I would want to and my thoughts are now filled with nothing but wanting to sleep. Mother: "You seemed tired. Why don't y

Alternate Dimension (Part 48)

I have found myself awake shortly before the alarm rang. I don't know how I'm able to do that. The summer vacation is still ongoing and I should be having time to myself, but people who rely on me too much are still contacting me. Didn't I tell them not to contact me except in real emergencies? Sadly, they didn't take me seriously, they hardly do except a few. As though he could read my mind from very far away, Itsuki invited me to stay at my parent's house at Inami City. I have not been there lately due to the traveling times to and from Kamisugi City, which is where I am currently staying. Itsuki could afford to do so as taking care of me is part of his job. I wonder if he's staying elsewhere? My house in Kamisugi City is within the Powell Institute Headquarters. I have to follow the dress code to avoid them stopping me unnecessarily as I head to the parking area. Fortunately, I don't need to carry my luggage, so they won't stop me for carrying p

Recent anime that I'm unlikely to watch but have seen before

First off, I'm going to talk about the new spring 2010 anime first. Of course, I'm not repeating titles that has already been mentioned before. Kiss x Sis (キス✕シス) Based on a manga and has a DVD that comes with one of its volumes. As I found out, there are 4 planned OVAs, with the 4th coming out soon. Based on what I saw, from those and the pre-broadcast episode, it's kind of... well, not what I'm looking out for. Kaicho wa Maid-sama (会長はメイド球) I don't know what to say as I know very little about it. It takes place in a recently-turned co-ed school, so there are still dominantly males there. She's the school's student council president who has to deal with guys that bully the minority girls. A friend asked the protagonist to help out at a maid cafe and cover her expenses. As she's helping out there, she was spotted by... okay, my interest has already wandered at this point, actually from the point I saw "Maid" in the title. B B-gata H-k


4月1日には、世界中で新聞が嘘の内容の記事を掲載したり、TVニュースでジョークニュースを報道したりといった事が広く行われている。インターネットが普及してからは、実用性のない冗談RFCが公開されたり、ウェブサイトではジョークコンテンツを公開するといったことも行われる。 ジョークの規模についても、簡易なものから大きな労力をつぎ込んだものまで存在し、ウェブサイトにおいては個人発から大手企業発まである。逆に習慣を逆手にとって、ありえない内容に見えて事実の内容であったり、翌日以降に「嘘ではない」「本当に実施する」といった裏の裏をかいた記事が書かれることもある。これらのネタは、一種のファンサービスの行為にもなり、一種のお祭りとみなすことも出来る。時に、閲覧者から嘘の情報の内容についての問い合わせが来ることもある(BBCの「ビッグ・ベンのデジタル化」など)。 恒例行事としてジョーク記事を作成している場合、『ネタ切れ』を防ぐためにその年度の時事的・風刺的な内容のジョークになっているものも多く、4月1日のみの刹那的なジョークではない、一年の総決算的な要素も持ち合わせていると見ることができる。 なお、かつては通信社が配信した嘘記事を日本の新聞社が本当のニュースとして掲載した事があったほか、2005年に日本の新聞社が掲載した「スマトラ沖地震の余波で沖縄南端に新島が出現」という記事を、韓国の新聞社がニュースとして掲載するなど、別のメディアが真に受けて情報元のメディアに騙されてしまった事例もある。また、エイプリルフールに便乗し、4月1日に発動するコンピュータウィルスを設置するなどの犯罪行為が行われることもある。

Alternate Dimension (Part 47)

The summer vacation has arrived before I knew it. I am in the mood to treat all my club members to have an overseas trip to Europe or something, but they have their own plans as what I heard. This ranges from supplementary classes, taking part time jobs, to even playing their home console or computer games for the whole vacation. (I myself have played ones that would take hundreds of hours of gameplay and know the excitement of wanting to play them.) I was slightly disappointed, but I don't want to show off my wealth around. The last time I brought people for a vacation was about three years ago for a classmate who has somewhat like an an amnesia and needs to meet up with a friend of her father from university. Besides me and Haruna, the people who came along include Haruna's boyfriend, my director's daughter, and three of Kotomi's siblings. Did I say that there were the two of me? I was the one who couldn't move and was in a wheelchair. The other me is my counte

Disorientated Feelings (Part 27)

As the days pass by, places that I remember during my childhood days, to recent as two years ago, has changed a lot: from the roads to the vehicles. Empty plots of land or poorly maintained buildings had sparkling new buildings in their place. I still keep in contact with my university friends and some of my middle and high school friends. As for my friends from primary school, I've lost contact with them: the well known social networking sites we know didn't exist until I was in high school, and nobody that I knew back then, except the grown-ups, has a mobile phone with them. My eldest child is about to enter kindergarten, so the house is chaotic. I don't know what my children knows, but they are able to identify me and Itsuki as their parents. According to Saeko, my uncle would drop by at random when I'm not around to " examine " my children. Is he checking if they had inherited something abnormal from their parents? I roughly know the possibilities on my

Stuff to do

There's just too many things and so little time to do things that I have to sort stuff around according to priority, but I might forgotten what they were along the way. Screenshot of a post I did last night early this morning. It's not obvious, but there are already several things to fix or already fixed in this picture alone. The new watch list has been un-bold. Width of the background image of [1] needs to be change to wider than 230px. Of  course, there should be empty spaces on the left too. Width of the entire blog is too wide, but this would affect [2]. Well, the width is already percentage based anyway. The search bar at the bottom right that stays there regardless of how much you scroll. Should it be there? It behaves differently in IE. The page that [4] would lead you to is outdated and looks awful, but it's on an external website whose settings are obscure and needs manual editing. [1] has been moved up. Should the numbers of the paragraph before the