Disorientated Feelings (Part 16)

The preparations are taking some time to be prepared for some reason. I don't know why, but the logistics does seem to be one of them. Also, the school does not want the festival to be held during or before my cousin's academy's festival to be held during or before my cousin's academy festival. They know that it's just a short distance away and by having it early means that fewer people would turn up. On top of that, my school could use this as an opportunity to relax and obtain ideas for the following year. My duty during the school festival is to help people who might require assistance and guide the guests around. I could tell that there will be a lot of people rushing around. During preparations, I decided to bring out the old computer that I had pushed aside for my (then) new notebook PC back in November last year. I just realized that I did not backup my files from there and need to transfer them over to the new computer. It's a good thing that the old...