
Need to clean my room badly...

(I haven't been online lately due to O-Levels) It seems that my room is very messy and needs to be cleaned up badly. Although I had cleaned it up before, I only do one section which means that it gets messy again. So, to make more space (and not leaving things around the house; outside my room), I have to remove the junk like tissue boxes and tube (the cardboard thing at the center of the toilet paper/kitchen roll). While cleaning, I found old stuff (including empty food boxes with an expiry date in the year 2002). I will post pics later as i'm downloading 17 episodes of "mahou sensei negima" and "negima!?" (about 246MB and 173 MB each respectively) at the original time of post. Speaking of anime, I should be updating the "Anime i'm currently watching" section here and here . When it finishes downloading (or at least enough to upload images), I will post screenshots from the anime i'm currently watching. BTW, japanese anime that are broadca

Zune theme

I was checking Paul Thurrot's SuperSite (that's the name of the site) if he had added a review on the final version of Windows Vista when I came across this article which has a link to download the Zune theme (for operating systems based on Windows XP) It looks nice, in fact, much better than the one than came windows XP. It look so similar to the theme that came with Windows Media Center Edition 2005, only that it's black instead of blue. The only thing I don't like is the orange coloured start button. It's too strong. And the font does not seem to work with cleartype (sub-pixel rendering, make text more readable on LCD screens) for text in languages such as Thai, Japanese, Chinese (both simplified and traditional) and Korean (although it works fine in Russian, Arabic, Greek). This would be troublesome if you try to read a 汉字/漢字 text with many strokes (eg. 憂鬱). However this can be sloved (except for things like the taskbar) by installing fonts that support thes


I just felt like posting this: If you were here a few days ago, you may have notice that I had hidden all of my real information in all languages in white, the background colour of the section there as I have put links to this blog from various sites where huge amount of people whom I don't know (unlike friendster, which is mostly my close friends), may come here. .            -‐ '´ ̄ ̄`ヽ、 .             / /" `ヽ ヽ  \ .         //, '/     ヽハ  、 ヽ .         〃 {_{ノ    `ヽリ| l │ i| .          レ!小l●    ● 从 |、i| nyoroーn .          ヽ|l⊃ 、_,、_, ⊂⊃ |ノ│    .        /⌒ヽ__|ヘ   ゝ._)   j /⌒i !      .      \ /:::::| l>,、 __, イァ/  /│ .        /:::::/| | ヾ:::|三/::{ヘ、__∧ | .       `ヽ< | |  ヾ∨:::/ヾ:::彡' | The above is best viewed in MS Pゴシック (MS P Gothic). By the way, In my english profile, I made most of the text in the last paragraph (below my info) in white and purposely make it in such a way that you can only see these words: gender, female, location, Japan. (The image and the SHI

Huh? What?

(Walking happily) "Lalalalala......" (Hears something and then turns around) (Sees something) キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! (Remains frozen for a while before screaming) (Slowly open mouth) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! (Runs away until that thing is out of sight) (Panting) "Wait a minute, what did I run away from?" Hehe, I was bored. XD XD XD BTW, to those who know me in person (my classmates, obiously), the O-Levels written paper starts on 6 November 2006 (37 days from now). That is not long now. (Looks at the above date) Huh?! That means that I should be studying now!!! Ps. That drawing I made has been uploaded at Imageshack .

New Layout

As you can see, I have changed the layout and added an image here. The prevous layout was one of the default layouts of and was boring. One more thing, my prelims are in just a few weeks and a major exam 2 months from now, so I don't have much time left to study. (P.s. Sometimes I ask myself why I chose pink as the colour for the layout.) 14 April 2007 edit: testing 123

Learning Japanese

Image - Useful tips on the Japanese language. A few years ago (around the year 2003), I became interested in the language. Even more so recently. (more about that at the bottom). Anyway, on a not-so unrelated note, an article on "The Sunday Times" (Singapore) on 30 June 2006 state that among those surveyed, 56% of the people in Singapore would like to emigrate and 4 in 5 would like to work overseas. (The following is copied directly from my YouTube profile ) This year, I am preparing for my GCE "O-Level" examinations which starts in October (the prelims is in September, oral in July/August). So I might spend most of my time revising and not have time for other things, including going to the internet. 140. I do understand some Mandarin Chinese, though to a certent extent. As for japanese, I can recognise most kana and some kanji characters. (eg. 今,日,水,私,北,時 and so on) The translator (the one i am using, one example is the text on the chann

This Blog... (and MSN/Windows Live Spaces)

I'm new to blogging in general and I normally don't type much (mainly because I don't know what to type). I don't really have anything specific to put here. So I might put random things like school to a particular anime. Below are blogs from my MSN Spaces (in reverse Chronological order): School carnival - 14 July 2006 16:03:54 On 15 July, there will be a carnival at my school. The thing is that everyone has to go and it lasts from 7:45am till 2pm. Not sure what to do there. (entering this from one of the auditorium room at Temasek Polytechnic) School - 25 June 2006 13:28:17 (i am entering this from the 17th floor of the HDB Hub in Toa Payoh) the new term is starting tomorrow. Since i am in Secondary 5, that would mean heavy revision of subjects until sometime before the actual o level around November. Too much things to study. (i scored an F9 on most of my subjects.) YouTube videos - 22 June 2006 13:12:16 I have recently (well 2 weeks before this post) created a YouTu