
399th post: Scheduled stuff

It's hard to come up with something to write, but it's even harder to have it scheduled in the future and still remain relevant. That would explain why the numberings of some posts are skipped, as they were scheduled from some variable time in the past, but my stories and some posts aren't numbered. Wanted to write something back on Wednesday (10 June), but I mysteriously fell ill and can't get out of bed with pain and headache all over. Strangely enough, I can't seem to fall asleep too.

394th post: Large Foot?

I was watching K-On! episode 6, when I thought I saw something odd: There was a extra large feet in the air at the center! Didn't really see this earlier as it was too fast. I was like, (O_O) when I saw that.

Disorientated Feelings (Part 11)

(Continued from Part 10 ) On a particular day not too long after I noticed people behaving strangely towards me, the principal had called me to his office at the end of school. Well, I don't have anything on today, so I don't mind being held back, but for what reason? Since the announcement was through the PA, everyone knew about this. The only times I heard of a student being calling to the principal's office was if they had done something seriously wrong or something bad that had happened involving them, or, in rare cases, the student having outstanding performance and/or representing the school and want to reward them with something big, but what did I do? I was clueless and worried at the same time. The principal's office is located just next to the teachers' staff room. I myself had never been there before, so I don't know what it's like. I knocked on the door. "Come in," said an unfamiliar male voice. I entered the room. The off

Disorientated Feelings (Part 10)

(continued from Part 9 ) It has been quite some time ago since my first face-to-face meeting with Itsuki Hisakawa, not sure if it's just me, but I feel that I am now even more closer to him since we are somehow already calling each other by our given names. Because I found out that my IQ level is surprisingly high (which explains why everyone else seems like idiots), there was also the pressure for me to join the student council. I forgot that there was such thing as their presence seemed somewhat hidden and are not distinguished from students who are not in it except for major school events. On the last day before the summer holidays, Itsuki would want to bring me to his house for the first time. He said that his parents are working quite far away, so they have not been back for many months now. Well, that's good, since having peace and quiet is quite hard to come by at my house: my younger siblings and mom keep bugging me even though I had the door of my room locked. Th

Changes to the navigation menu

( Originally posted on the updates blog yesterday ) Well, my navigation menu you see on the top of the right widget bar is starting to get messier and uglier that I have decided to do a brand new one from scratch. Actually, it got ugly and bulkier from the last update . Not only in appearance, but also the code involved. They are originally supposed to all look the same, with only the title and type of blog changed. (extracted from an earlier post ) The navigation menu featured here is what it looked like when I first made it. Clean and simple. That empty space there was intentional, but I added random quotes or "Haruka Takahashi's Network". For ones that had the former, it was latter replaced with my latest post from Twitter . Also, hovering over a link there would have a background, but as I found out later on, this also affected other links on the blog. That problem wasn't really fixed until just last month. (From Updates and Anime blog (English version) blogs.)

[Repost] Alternate Dimension (Part 1.2)

I don’t really know what is going on, but I had a strange dream: There was a white light that made me felt as though my centre of gravity has been moved from my bottom to my chest. I could feel changes that are taking place all over my body. It felt like it was actually taking place, but it's just a dream, right? I once had a dream of falling of a building or cliff that felt real and woke up from the horrors of it, but it turns out that I didn't even fall off the bed! How on earth can my dreams feel so real?! I have been having too much of it lately. Since I have to get ready for school when the sun rises, I don’t think much about it. ……… The morning sunlight entered my eyes. I was still feeling sleepy when I woke up, but I had noticed that the room that I am in now seems to be somewhat different from what I remember it to be: It is unusually neat with new furniture with concrete walls painted in warm colours. Most of the things I see in this room are mine and are neatly ar

Alternate Dimension (Part 1.2)

[Revised on 9 June 2009] (continued from Part 1.1 / 4th paragraph of Part 1 ) I don’t really know what is going on, but I had a strange dream: There was a white light that made me felt as though my centre of gravity has been moved from my bottom to my chest. I could feel changes that are taking place all over my body. It felt like it was actually taking place, but it's just a dream, right? I once had a dream of falling of a building or cliff that felt real and woke up from the horrors of it, but it turns out that I didn't even fall off the bed! How on earth can my dreams feel so real?! I have been having too much of it lately. Since I have to get ready for school when the sun rises, I don’t think much about it. ……… The morning sunlight entered my eyes. I was still feeling sleepy when I woke up, but I had noticed that the room that I am in now seems to be somewhat different from what I remember it to be: It is unusually neat with new furniture with concrete walls painted in war