372nd post: 16:9 versions of my vectors

Well, these 1280*720 versions of my vectors has been up at the same place as the regular version for quite a while, but did not mention anything about it. In fact, they are not displayed anywhere else, except for a particular blog hosted outside Blogger that I have yet to figure out how to use. Another reason for not displaying is that some just doesn't look right or take too much of my time that I'm better off doing something else. To view them, just add "widescreen/" in the URL just before the file name, but it only works on sfgdhjyfmjh, v0001-v0007, v0011-v0038, v0016a, v0030a, and v0051.

How I extended the image depends on the background. For the above (v0003), I used my interpretation on extending the railings and the ceiling. The clouds in the original area are left untouched and are extended/duplicated in the new areas.

Another example are these two (v0014 & v0017). Making 16:9 versions is relatively easy as the background is plain or are already in landscape with little visible difference in the 16:9 version. Notice that I had made the lines for the right image thinner than the regular version.

These (v0014 & v0030) are even more changeling (and possibly a nightmare) to do.

For the left image, I imported the background from v0050 to match the existing lighting and did some adjustments from there. I originally wanted to make the right section to be the very front of the classroom, but did not turn out well. I ended up duplicating the tables and redoing the windows. The alignment is not perfect, but then it's possible to move the tables to be messily arranged. Wanted to add the chairs too, but the middle and bottom right table is too close.

Like v0014 and v0003 mentioned earlier, the right image involves a lot of duplication of the clouds, but as the elements for the background of the regular version are blurred, it's hard to see where the edges are.

Although decent, the ones with a simple background, don't really look nice to me. Also, with the newer vectors, it would take me a long time and/or would be too difficult. I had already spent a lot of time just doing the background of v0046.


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