
141th post: Untouched photos on my phone

Motion blurrrrrrrrr............ When it comes to taking pictures, I wouldn't be the kind who would go into a photo frenzy and take almost everything I see, unless it's at a place beyond the 100km radius of where I live, which hasn't happened yet partly because I have never been overseas but I have seen those taken by other people to know what it's like there. You know, being there in person is better that seeing images of it on the screen. Besides a mobile phone with a built in camera, I have never taken a photo for quite a long time. At least 3 years ago. The only (real) digital camera I have lying at home is a 2-megapixel Fujifilm camera with a 16MB XD memory card. Compare that with my K850i's 5-megapixel and several MemoryStick Duo and SD/MMC cards with the current one at 2GB. Here are some of the images that had been sitting on my SonyErricson W750i/K850i for quite some time. I know they look terrible, but it's better than nothing... (Due to lenghty HTML cod

To Love-ru (とらぶる) manga chapter 99 text

For no particular reason, I decided to type some of the text from the manga that appeared on Young Boy Weekly Jump (週刊少年ジャンプ) issue 24 (26 May 2008). ???:えー!リセミオとお静ちゃんもゲームの世界に来てたの? 女性1:そ! 女性2:私らはカジノがある街でずーっとスロットやってたけどね 女性1:ねー!! ララ:ゴメンね~ 妹たちが迷惑かけちゃって… 女性1:いいって いいって! 女性3:私らは何も気にしてないよね お静ちゃん? 女性2:はい!とっても楽しい経験てした ララ:みんな… ???:ありがとー!! ???:キャッ ちょっとララちいってば リト:……… リト:(いかん…) リト:(あれ以来 変にララの事意識しちまってる…) リト:(あの時はとにかく 今の気持ちを言わなきゃって必死だったけど) リト:(冷静になってみたら オレ…春菜ちゃんの前ですげー事言っちまったんだよな…) リト:(もしかしたら…) リト:西連寺! 春菜:あら…何か結城くん 春菜:私に声かけたら (好きかもしれない) ララちゃんに怒られるわよ 春菜:っていうか私 優柔不断な人はキライなの!! 春菜:さよなら ってか死んで リト:西連寺ーーーーーーーッ!! 健一:おいリトー 昨日はララちゃん達とどこ行ってたんだー? 健一:…リト!? リト:(ああ…そうなっても仕方ねーよな… オレってばホントダメダメ君だ…) 春菜:… リト:ふう… リト:? 校長:ルンちゅわ~ん なたセクシーなヨロイ姿見せて~~~ レン(女):来ないでよーーっ 私はリトくんのモノなんだからーー!! レン(女):! やんっ 校長:ルンちゃ~ん レン(女):(バナナ!?) なんのっ!! レン(?):へっくち!! 校長:およ? 校長:………!!! (考え中) 校長:…これはこれでアリ!! レン(男):ちょ!ボクは男だそーーーーーッ!! リト:…… リト:悩みがなさそーていいな 校長は… 春菜:結城くん…何か悩んでるの? リト:ああ そりゃもう… リト:!!? リト:西連寺!! 春菜:…今日 ずっとうかない表情してるよね リト:…ああ そうだっけ!? 春菜:もしかして… この前 ララさんに

Cleaning up the house

Oh look! A snowman! (I'm drawing something as I typed this.) I know I have said this several times earlier about cleaning my room , but now the rest of the house is kinda erm... messy. With all the mess around, you can barely walk around without bumping into something, let alone carry bulky items (like a tower PC casing, large stack of old newspapers or a CRT monitor). On closer observation, they are mostly made up of my sister's things (she's in a well known art school), trash that for some reason aren't thrown away, (almost) broken and old electrical appliances (including a 29" CRT TV bought in 1997), unused boxes with the original Styrofoam and plastic still in it, some old furniture, unused PC casing, some cassette and video tapes, and many more. If those boxes and old, broken appliances were to get rid of, it would create space. Not sure how much I would get out of them, but they are heavy, bulky and are mostly made out of plastic and metal.

Looks like I'm non-existant to them

1: Hey, isn't that where I think it is? 2: Look at all that cake... 3: Everyone except me... 4: Another one... 5: Not as much as the image before the previous one, but still... 6: They are having all the fun... (points to the people in the background) 7: Erm, I wouldn't even think of protesting... 8: This picture is just random, though I wished my school was like this... I was randomly viewing my friend's profiles and to my horror, the pictures above (except 7 & 8) were found on some my friend's blogs with events that I could be at, but wasn't informed about it. Pictures 2-4 were taken barely a few days ago... And to add "insult to injury", except for a few, most of my friends' blogs do not in any way link to me. Well, Friendster, Windows Live Messenger and Facebook are another thing, but... Speaking of how sad my life was, I recall very little of what happened between when I was young and just a week ago, except for significant events. Here's

First attempt at drawing a photo-based image

I have changed the layout template again, though not much visible difference as before. The earlier one seemed to take up too much processing power and has the inflexibility to edit certain text without editing it via the template's HTML. Here is my first non-anime based drawing that I have done. For simplicity's sake, I have omitted the background and simplified the texture of the skirt. Since it was my first time drawing (besides anime), it was a nightmare figuring out the shades of some of the areas and drawing it as detailed as I could. The difference between this and what you always see me draw? Obviously more life-like. Since Japanese comic (manga)-styled have more simplified details than photos, you would notice that the ones based on the former are clearer. I personally think it looks ugly.

Dropdown list links and other changes

This post was originally supposed to appear here , but realized that I was typing for the wrong blog when I was more than halfway through typing this. But since it's concerning about this blog, I would just leave it here anyways. Text that are in italics here are not part of the original post. I have replaced the regular link list with a drop-down menu with a "Go" button next to it due to an already long list of links (mostly other people's blogs) and possibly add more. This would save a lot of space as the sidebar alone is so long that you can fit 12 (twelve) of my longer-than-average posts in it. Kind of a waste of space actually, especially when you are viewing only 1 (one) post. I have moved "RSS feeds of the sites I go to", "My Profile" and "IMEEM music player" to the side where the posts normally appear, so less space is used since they are text and uses less vertical (top to bottom) space if there is sufficient horizontal (left to


Image my dad's birthday. He turns 49 years today, but with him smoking cigarates, I wonder how much longer he would live.... Anyways, tomorrow, would be my grandfather's, cousin's and aunt's birthday. To tell you the truth, I have no idea when their birthdays are or how old they are. On top of that, I have at least 16 cousins, of which, I'm not close to any of them, let alone meet them on a regular basis. Their ages ranges from 26 to 4 years old. One of them is married and another has completed his university studies quite some time ago and is currently working in a middle/high/secondary school somewhere. Anyways, I have bought another portable hard disk to complement the other one which is used by my sister most of the time and cant use it and the fact that it seems to be falling apart. It also has larger memory space with 160GB compared with the other one (bought in 2005) with 80GB. Now I don't have to worry about transferring a large amount of files (mostly m