141th post: Untouched photos on my phone
When it comes to taking pictures, I wouldn't be the kind who would go into a photo frenzy and take almost everything I see, unless it's at a place beyond the 100km radius of where I live, which hasn't happened yet partly because I have never been overseas but I have seen those taken by other people to know what it's like there. You know, being there in person is better that seeing images of it on the screen. Besides a mobile phone with a built in camera, I have never taken a photo for quite a long time. At least 3 years ago. The only (real) digital camera I have lying at home is a 2-megapixel Fujifilm camera with a 16MB XD memory card. Compare that with my K850i's 5-megapixel and several MemoryStick Duo and SD/MMC cards with the current one at 2GB.
Here are some of the images that had been sitting on my SonyErricson W750i/K850i for quite some time. I know they look terrible, but it's better than nothing... (Due to lenghty HTML codes involved in the image, not all that are uploaded for here are included):
Note: Faces and names of street names are (lazily) censored for privacy reasons.
