
Usage of Acronyms

I don't really like it when I see acronyms, but it can make long words like " Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation " or " North Atlantic Treaty Organization Air Command and Control System Management Agency " easier to understand. However, when it comes to things like mathematical equations or names of places/organization (including the above), I seem to learn better by the full names than by their acronyms. So, if you tell me a name of a place or a thing by their acronym, I may not immediately know what you are talking about. Oh, and that also means that I am least likely to use or understand short forms on messages sent by the cellular network. Anyways, I don't know whether today is a good day or not, but about a third of my classmates were absent, there were only revisions instead of lessons. I somehow forgot to bring my books and stationery to school after I brought them home for revision. Had to rely on the people sitting around me

Day 9 @ the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics

As at any Olympic event, watching a live broadcast of any event can be nerve-wrecking. Even more if there are people there representing the country or that I would know. I have also witnessed several world/Olympic records being broken (or close to), some of which has not been broken for many years. Regardless of their nationalities and race, some events can be happy, while some can be heart-breaking, or are just full of unexpected turns. Some examples include last night's Men's 100m sprint semi-finals and finals. (Forgive me if I'm rude, but I can't help to notice that except for a Japanese man (who came in 2nd last in the 2nd semifinals), everyone seems to be of African-origin) Well, watching the award ceremony (like the 50m Women's freestyle I watched earlier) can be quite emotional. 3 people standing there standing in front of the cheering crowd receiving their bronze, silver, gold (along with a boutique of flowers) from an IOC official followed by the natio

developments around me

[ Japanese/日本語 ] Not too long ago, there were announcements that some of the vacant plots of lands, with one having an abandoned old school, would have some apartment complexes, a new subway line, and a new university by 8 years from now. With that time frame, I don't think I would benefit from it as I could be living elsewhere (away from my parents) and be in the working world. Anyways, I just found out that a school nearby is having a summer festival next week. So near that I can walk there, but due to the pedestrian-unfriendly route (lack of pathway, extremely heavy traffic from the 3 nearby major motorways), taking the bus to just the next stop (where the school is), would be a more practical option.

number of people looking through my blog

I'm curious. How many people actually read my blog and where are they from? Also, how do they even come across it? And among those that had viewed it, how many regularly viewed it? Well, the paces can range from mid-east & western America, most of South-East Asia and Japan, and sometimes in Europe and Brazil. As for my blogs, I don't have the exact figures for each individual blog, but since the beginning of this month up till now (2 weeks), the total page impressions can range from 900 to 1200. According to the statics of the music player you see above, I noticed that people have been viewing my old posts ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ) that I myself don't even read and also on a particular friendster profile that I created . I even once found a strange link to one of my blogs. Anyways, I have revamped the links to my friends' blogs as the previous drop-down list style didn't really allow me to open the link in a new tab easily. It has also been re-arranged in

Losing Identity (Part 4)

We would normally eat a lunch box at lunch, but since none of them brought their own, we ended up buying there, which can get sold out quite quickly, on top of long queues. Otherwise, we could have eaten at places like the rooftop, the classroom, or at the school garden. I wonder how mine appeared in front of me? Did they buy for me or did Haruna bought them when I was busy talking to her? I wonder... After lunch, the English teacher gave us a surprise test... I wasn't expecting it, especially on the first day back in school. Everyone complained. After receiving the question paper, I looked at the question: 問題1. 何が「The Prime Minister said with regards to the issue to take countermeasures immediately. 」と日本語ですか? 問題2. 「病院の入り口は駅の前。 それから、今は午後3時半。」って英語はなんだ? 問題3.「アイ ウェンー フォ アー ホリデー イン ジャーマニ ラスト マンー。 イット ウォス グレット」のローマ字はなに? (followed by many questions like this) The only parts of the question that I understand is the English words in the first question.... I wonder what do they w

Losing Identity (Part 3)

Well, it didn't take me long to find the staff room from the fact that there is some kind of a keypad next to the sliding door with several large desks and office chairs filled with a lot of books and stuff inside. A man approached me as I was looking inside. Man 1: "Oh, Kobayashi-san! You've recovered already?" Me (shy): "Erm, yes... I'm feeling alright now, sensei ." I seem to automatically add "sensei" when I talk to him. Haruna was the one who's shy, not me. But because I also feel what she feels, I became shy even though I'm not. The name of the teacher I'm talking to did not came to my mind. Man 1: "Good. Well, I will be your homeroom teacher again this year, but only a few of your previous year's classmates are now in your class, so I would introduce you to the class when we reach there. Shall we go now?" Me: "Yes, sensei !" We climbed up to the 3rd floor and walked over to another bui

Dubs and subtitles

When watching shows on DVD or TV, one thing I hate the most are subtitles that appear in languages that I don't understand or are poorly translated. Even more if I can't remove them (hard-subbed) or more than one language appears. They fill up a lot of screen space and distracts me away from the action. On top of that, I hate dubbing too: it looks unnatural and most of the time, the background sounds (music, leaves rustling, vehicles) seems to be missing or suddenly appears when nobody is speaking and disappears when they start talking again. Well, in the news and documentaries, subtitles are kind of okay for segments where people on the street or officials of other countries are interviewed and are not speaking in whatever language the documentary/news is in. However, dubbing over (even when you can a bit of the original) in this kind of situations is not okay. Dubs of Voiceovers/Narrators who do not appear on the screen are okay though. How terrible can dubbing be? Well,